UPS & USPS problems during the holiday season

UPS & USPS problems always been an issue to the sellers. Increase their rate and delyaing delivery time. If you are a new seller, make sure prepare the busy



Every year in the holiday season, we sellers are getting busy checking the stocks and covering the high volume sales. Our 2020 Christmas was crazy to take care of exploded sales.

We are selling products on our website, Amazon warehouse, and Walmart warehouse. We did not have time to make bundles and ship products to other 3rd party warehouses. We had to rush to deliver from our warehouse directly to our customers.

And, the problem occurred.

We might choose other carriers, but the delivery rate will be much higher.

So, we used the software to follow up each package tracking information to ensure the customer received it on time. If it delays, our team contacts the customer about why it's delaying, and we let them know we keep monitoring them. Of course, we have added a prominent note on our sales listings that each package may slow the delivery time. There is always extra work, but it's better not to lose our customers' trust even though they may ask for a refund. Generally, not many customers requested the money back. They appreciated sending a message and notified.

If you are a new seller, you will find out USPS and UPS will increase their rate, and you will start to worry about why all packages are not delivered on time. It's ok. It's normal. Just make sure to handle nicely with your customers.

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