The Amazing Power of Online Storage: Why You Need It, How To Get It And How To Use It!

If you don’t already have a good online storage solution, you need to get one immediately. Here's why you need to try the pCloud

The Amazing Power of Online Storage: Why You Need It, How To Get It And How To Use It!

The Amazing Power Of Online Storage

Online Storage - pCloud Black Friday Deal 2021

Did you know that nearly every American owns a digital camera and almost all of those photos get stored on some type of computer? What happens to all those pictures after we’re done taking them is anyone’s guess… but… it sure would be nice if they remained in a secure online location we could access at any time. Wouldn’t it?

A real-life example of how the power of online storage can help you protect and organize your important papers, photographs, mementos, and other heirlooms.


There are a few basic questions you should ask yourself when you are considering buying an online backup solution. Let’s examine these questions and see if we can’t help you decide what’s the best online backup solution for you.

What are your needs? Do you just need simple, reliable online storage or do you also need an automated backup solution that will let you restore your files instantly to any PC anywhere in the world? Do you need advanced features like file versioning, secure email integration and integrated FTP access? How much are you willing to spend? Are you prepared to pay for a quality solution or are you only interested in the absolute cheapest option? What we are talking about here is a long-term solution, not a “quick fix”. You should expect to pay at least $50 per month for a reliable online backup solution. Is $50/month expensive for you? Keep reading.

There are many good reasons why you should have a back-up of all your important data.

Let’s face it: We live in a world that is becoming increasingly unstable. There are earthquakes and hurricanes and other natural disasters that cause thousands upon thousands of property damage claims each and every year. There are also man-made disasters such as power outages, computer crashes, theft and even fire. In fact, according to the Insurance Information Institute (III), more than half (53%) of all U.S. households experienced some type of property damage during the last five years. What if your building does collapse? Or your house burns down to the ground? Do you have the right to complain if someone else buys your home at a fair market value price, fixes it up and then sells it for a large profit? No. You don’t. So why should it be any different with your data? After all, your data is your life. Without it, you’ll be dead.

Online storage is one of those little-understood but powerful forces in the digital world.

In this article, we will introduce an affordable and keep all your important data securely. If you can't wait to check what we will be introducing, click here for the PCloud Black Friday Deal price in 2021.

What is online storage?

online storage

Photographer: Ian Battaglia | Source: Unsplash

Online storage allows you to easily access your files from anywhere. Most likely, you use online storage for things like photos, music, videos, documents, and spreadsheets. It’s so handy, you can access your files on a computer, tablet, or even smartphone. Plus, since it’s online, you can access your files from any web browser.

There are many websites that offer this type of online storage. Two of the most well-known are Dropbox and Google Drive. You should use these services because they are so reliable and they are easy to use. The only thing you need to remember is that you need an account with each of these companies. You can sign up for a free account with either service, but if you want to upload a lot of data, you will need to pay the monthly fee. Here the pCloud comes in.

pCloud is another well-known online storage company; you can install their apps to your computer and mobile devices to backup automatically and sync any files anywhere easily as if Dropbox and Google drive. pCloud offers a one-time cost to keep all your data in a lifetime. Yes, no recurring payment. We, the iARTidea team, have been using the pCloud since we found the deal at Appsumo in 2017. We still use it and love it.

It’s easy to get started with either service. All you have to do is go to their website and follow the instructions. It won’t take long at all. After that, you’ll be able to access your files from anywhere. That means, even if you don’t have your computer or the files are on another computer, you’ll still be able to access them. You can also share your files with whomever you choose. They will be able to download them and keep them for as long as they want.

Why Online Storage Is So Important To Your Business

Why Online Storage?

“The benefits of online storage are endless. Not only can you use it to store your documents, photos and videos, but you can also use it as a virtual business card, a way to make yourself look more professional, and a place to safely park files that you don't want co-workers or clients to have access to.” – Dan S. Kennedy

Online storage, also known as cloud storage, is the practice of keeping files and other important data in multiple servers across many different geographic locations. This allows you to access your data from any device, anywhere you have an internet connection. It’s a critical tool for anyone who creates and distributes digital content, especially if that content is complex or requires frequent updates. Online storage is especially useful for bloggers, website owners, and small business owners who create a lot of content. It’s also great for business owners who conduct a lot of business via remote communication like email, phone, and video chat. Online storage is a necessary evil for anyone with even half a brain in the digital age. It’s like putting gas in your car—you never think you need it, but when you run out, you’ll be glad you had it. The same thing is true of online storage. You won’t ever think you need it, but when you find yourself drowning in paper clutter, having a few extra gigabytes or terabytes of cloud-based storage space will make all the difference between keeping your head above water and sinking like a stone.

Online storage is a necessity for everyone who uses the internet, even if they don’t realize it. Let’s say you are doing a lot of your work on your computer and you use Microsoft Word to write a report. If you save that file in your local hard drive, you will be able to access that document anytime you are at your computer. However, if you save that same document in your online storage, you will be able to access it from any computer with an internet connection. This means if you are on a plane or in a hotel room and you need to work on that report, you can do it without having to lug around a heavy bag full of stuff that makes up your “real” life. It also works great if you have multiple computers. Say you want to upload a book you have written onto your website. Instead of sending the file to one computer, which is prone to failure, you can send it to all your computers at the same time. Online storage makes a lot of things much easier. You can use it for backups, for sharing files, for storing data, and for just about anything else you can think of. There are several different types of online storage and today, we are going to concentrate on the two most popular types:

Free and After Free?

1. The free type and

2. The paid type. Let’s take a look at each of these in turn. FREE STUFF The first type of online storage is the free stuff. With this type of online storage, you get what you get for free… but… you get a lot less than what you get with the other type of online storage. For example, when you open a Gmail account, you will get a free 15GB of both email and data storage. If you use Google drive to save documents and text files only, 15GB will be more than sufficient for you. Assume you open the dropbox account. Dropbox may provide you with special extra storage for months or years. Dropbox wants you to experience their platform enough and not leave them after expiring their special extra storage. If you need more storage, they will start to charge recurring payments. To save your business budget, backup files, show a quick HTML website draft to your clients, embed images and videos to your websites to load faster, save and store any kinds of documents; we highly recommend pCloud.

Why pCloud is The Best Online Storage For Your Needs?



We decided to write this article because pCloud is now offering the Black Friday deal to save more bucks. Of course, we purchased extra storage yesterday. The price we are talking about is 2TB. $245 one-time payment was the same price we saw in 2017. In 2021, they offer the same price. If you need less storage, you can choose their 500GB deal which will be much cheaper.

Sync with your computer

pCloud browser extension

embed files

Backup Social Media accounts


if you’re not already using online storage, you should be. Not only does it cost less than traditional storage solutions, but you also get the added benefit of having access to your data from anywhere with an Internet connection. Not convinced? Check out these stats: Online storage is now being used by nearly 1/3 of all Internet users and almost half (48%) of all U.S. households with Internet access. Online storage is being used by businesses for just as many reasons as consumers—and for some businesses, even more so. For example, nearly 1/3 (31%) of business users store critical information that is needed to run their business on their online storage service. In fact, a recent study showed that 69% of businesses that use online storage indicate that it provides them with a significant competitive advantage. So, if you are not already using online storage, you should be. Not only will it make sense from an economic standpoint, it will also make sense from a safety and convenience standpoint. You can access your data from anywhere you have Internet access–even if you are offline. This means that even if your computer crashes or you lose your hard drive, you will still have access to all your important data. Plus, you don’t have to worry about protecting your physical storage device from theft, fire, water damage, or other disasters. pCloud Online storage is quick and easy to set up, and you will find tons of benefits using it.

If you want to get in on this “once-in-a-lifetime opportunity”, click here now to claim your pCloud Black Friday Special Deal. If you don't see any deals, that means it's expired. You may find some other deals here.

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