Flowlu: The Right Business Management Software For Your Team

This software review about Flowlu will discuss its many great features, the benefits, its pricing, and more. You should have this platform in your business.

Flowlu is a business management software that every team should have. In this software review, we will tackle its features, benefits, pricing, and so much more. Read through.


There are so many challenges that managing a business brings. These challenges include decreased performance levels, being understaffed, lack of communication, poor teamwork, and pressure to perform. The roadblocks in business management also include absence of structure, time management, inadequate support, skepticism, difficult employees, transition from co worker to manager, and weak workplace culture.

But business management remains important. Management has always been the core aspect of every business. Management is the process where a person plans, organizes, directs and controls the activities and resources of the organization or company in order to achieve its goals in an effective and efficient manner in an ever-changing landscape. It refers to the process of supervision and control of the business affairs of the organization.

Moreover, business management also involves establishing a business environment for the employees and employers so these groups can work together to achieve the goals of the organization in the most successful and competent ways. It guides a group of people to combine their works in a planned manner to attain the goals of the company.

Flowlu for business

Importance Of Business Management

Here are the pointers why management is important for any business:

There are several ways businesses take to ensure the business is managed well. One of these is through hiring third-party companies and professionals that provide the management. The other is utilizing technology to provide the perfect management for the business, such as through software.

Did you know that there is a software in the industry that is designed to provide any business with its all-in-one business management platform? In this software review, you will get to know about Flowlu, its features, its benefits, the use cases, its pricing, and so much more. Let us get to it.

What Is Flowlu?

Flowlu is your all-in-one business operating software that has all the necessary tools for managing projects, tasks, finances, customers, and so much more. Flowlu offers users with a profound overview of everything that is going on in the company. The tools of Flowlu also lets business owners and individuals using this software know what your employees are doing and what problems they are facing. With Flowlu, you can track every aspect of your business, from the time spent by your team and the workload to overall costs and customer invoices.



Now that you have learned the overview of what Flowlu is about, let us take a look at the features of this software.

Explore The Features Of Flowlu

Flowlu offers a wide range of features for the management of your business. They include:

Let us delve deeper into these features of Flowlu.

Online CRM

With Flowlu, you can easily manage new sales opportunities and sales funnels by only using one software, including activities you need for your business such as tracking interaction with your customers, planning new activities and storing your email communication in one single place.

Project Management

Flowlu also lets you track the progress of your projects, prioritize tasks, and re-plan whenever needed. The software also allows users to easily forecast project revenue, calculate costs, and track the overall profitability of their projects.

Task Management

Aside from providing you with your online CRM and project management platform, Flowlu also offers the best for task management. Be able to convert your ideas into tasks, assign them to your teammates, quickly take a look at what has been completed, measure and analyze the time spent on each task, and enhance your productivity.

Collaboration Tools

Flowlu also provides collaboration tools that let users resolve questions in real-time via chat, collaborate on your records in comments, and always stay updated by getting notified on relevant updates.

Financial Management

Flowlu is also the perfect tool for managing your finances. Be able to maintain all financial records in one single place, visualize your data with graphs, and have better insights on where you spent more and where you need to spend further to catapult toward the growth of your revenue.

Online Invoicing

The software is also making it incredibly easier to invoice your clients. With Flowlu, you can send professional invoices within seconds, get paid online, automate your billing, and impress your customers in your business.

Agile Project Management

Flowlu is not just a project management tool, it is an agile project management platform. With this software, you can deliver the desired project to the customers without delays, easily prioritize issues, and bring maximum value to your customers.

Knowledge Base

Do you need a working knowledge base? With Flowlu, you can create a knowledge base that you can easily navigate so you can capture the most valuable information with your team, and organize these into a shared knowledge hub.

Mind Maps

Discover fresh insights with your team, create as many mind maps as you need, brainstorm and keep ideas, define them into your projects, and grow your business without any limits.

Why Business Owners Will Need Flowlu

With the features you learned above, you should now have a clear understanding of what Flowlu can do for your business. Businesses must have Flowlu as their partner. Let us take a look further at this topic.

1. Organize Your Projects Better

It is common for businesses to have so many projects at hand. To have them all over the place is normal, but you should not let this happen all the time. With Flowlu, you have a tool to organize your projects in the best way possible. What is greater is that you will not need a team to do this task of organizing your projects. Even one person using the software is sufficient to organize your projects well.

2. Create Notes And Privately Share Them Within The Team

With Flowlu, you can have a platform to create notes. And not just this. When you need only specific members in your team to share these notes with, or you want these notes to be seen solely by your internal team, you can privately share these notes with your team. Doesn’t that sound fantastic?

3. Follow Up Invoices And Track All Payments

Business owners know how managing invoices can be stressful especially when you do not have a platform to help you. With Flowlu, you can follow up invoices, manage recurring invoices, and track all payments. Below are more reasons to use the software in your business.

4. Manage Tasks In Each Project

With Flowlu, you can delegate tasks, create templates, and customize workflows. Manage each task in each project better by tracking the time spent on assignments and improving the accountability of the business. The software offers multiple views for tasks including your to-do list, Kanban board, calendar, and Gantt chart for even more efficient task management.

5. Make Notes For Products

Whether you are a business partnering with other businesses to purchase products, or you are selling goods, this software is the perfect place to be. With Flowlu, you can create notes for products so you can organize your product management in a better way.

6. Organize Employees’ Information

Human resources or HR departments are also among the teams benefiting from this software. With Flowlu, you can organize employees’ information, helping you streamline your hiring processes and many other demands in the department.

7. Sync Your Google Calendar To Share And Make Notes

With Flowlu, you can integrate with other platforms like your Google Calendar. When you do so, syncing your Google Calendar with the software, you can share information and make notes for your entire team to see. Organize schedules better with this amazing tool.

These benefits, and so much more are present when you acquire Flowlu for your business needs.

Use Cases Of Flowlu

From marketing agencies to business consultants, here are the departments benefiting with the use of Flowlu:


On the official website of Flowlu, you can choose either the monthly or the yearly option. If you can't decide which plan to choose, start with a free account for a month.

The Verdict

Many software can streamline your business processes, in ways more than you can imagine. Take for instance, Flowlu. This software has everything you need to perfectly manage your business and its business processes well, from providing an online CRM to giving mind maps for your team. It is only right that your business must have this software. We hope this software review about Flowlu informed you and inspired you on making the choice when it comes to obtaining this software.

If you want to check other software deals, we highly recommend using them here.