Convert Your PDFs Into Beautiful Flip Book Kit With FlipBooklets

Create and convert your PDFs into beautiful flipbooks or flip book kit with FlipBooklets. Plus, browse here everything you need to know about flipbooks.

Convert Your PDFs Into Beautiful Flip Book Kit With FlipBooklets cover

You may have perhaps seen your friends or relatives read through a material on their devices, flipping through the pages of the material or book, just like doing it offline. Well, chances are, they are reading a flip book. Flip books are interactive, online publications with the look and feel of a real, page-turning publication. They are very nice file formats to have.

In this piece, we are going to present you with everything you need to know about flipbooks or flip book kit, and a tool that can help you convert your PDF files into flipbooks that can be shared via email to your friends, loved ones, and colleagues without having them land in the spam folder. Let's dive right in.

Flip Book Kit

Everything You Need To Know About Flipbooks

What Is A Flipbook, Flip Book Kit?

Flipbooks are interactive, online HTML5 publications with the look and feel of a real, page-turning publication. They even come with page-turning sound effects, page shadows, and more, so if you want to keep the experience of reading a book digitally, you can.

Flipbooks are currently used to take the place of the conventional digital PDFs and paper-based documents like presentations, reports, catalogs, magazines, books, brochures, and so much more.

As you have learned, a digital flipbook looks and feels precisely like a printed publication with pages you can flip and turn, without the costs of printing.

What Are Flipbooks And Flipbook Kits Used For?: Different Use Cases

People convert files into flipbooks and use them for various purposes. Here are some of the readings flipbooks are used for.

Magazines And eBooks

First and foremost, flipbooks are used for publishing magazines online and eBooks because of their "real-feel" page-turning effects, as well as their responsive clarity and sharpness on the screens of various devices.

Very easy to browse, edit and distribute, flipbooks are used for fashion and lifestyle magazines, children's books, cookbooks, university admissions books, and scholarly journals, among many others.

Catalogs And Brochures

Did you know flipbooks are also used in eCommerce for digital product catalogs and brochures? Flipbooks can easily be sent and shared with your prospective customers through a simple, clickable link. Then, users can open the publication instantly as flipbooks do not have upload or download time.

Accessible across different devices, these digital brochures are utilized by businesses to create affordable and engaging marketing deliverables that promote their business to a much larger audience who browse through them.


Another use of flipbooks is in reports. They have become the ultimate solution for the corporate world since they provide a very easy and engaging way to keep key stakeholders updated. Additionally, the privacy and security features of these flipbooks make them ideal when individuals and entities need to safeguard sensitive information.

Digital Menu Cards

Nowadays, people love ordering online. So, businesses are investing in turning their menus into digital menu flipbooks. These offer customers with realistic, appetizing, and interactive experiences with the food they are about to order. Recent statistics reveal that people are more likely to visit your restaurant and order if they can view the menu digitally.

These digital menus also allow restaurants to promote themselves and reach potential customers during off-hours. Some businesses ven connect their digital menus to Google Analytics to gain knowledge of their customers' demographics and purchasing behaviors.

Real Estate

Flipbooks can also turn buying and selling guides, property feature sheets, and realtor branding materials into SEO-optimized online publications. You can improve your Google ranking if your clients can view your offerings via a link.

These flipbooks display your offers seamlessly, have a superior image resolution for images of properties, and allow for interactive video and link integration to enhance every property feature sheet.

Now that you have learned all about flipbooks, let us head over to presenting to you a software that will help you effectively convert your PDFs into beautiful flip book kits.

Set Your PDFs Into Beautiful Flip Book Kit With FlipBooklets

Overview Of The Software

Today, being able to share PDFs with your clients and customers has become a necessity more than ever before. However, it is also true that PDFs often get caught in the spam folder when attached to emails. As a result, your recipients miss viewing them.

So, how can you make sure they view your PDFs? Do you like to know whether what you sent them are actually seen? We introduce you to FlipBooklets.

FlipBooklets is one of the hottest software today that provides a way to convert your PDFs into interactive PDF flip books in just within seconds, beating spam filters and even providing analytics.

There are several options out there when it comes to creating a flip booklet. However, these options are often bloated and unintuitive to use. Moreover, we hate to say this, but some of them produce ugly materials and they take far too long to create. Not with FlipBooklets. Plus, there are no annoying ads, even with the free plan.

FlipBooklets has been featured on major media outlets, such as Fox News, USA Today, NBC, CNN, and Digital Journal.

Design Your Flip Books Together With The Features Of FlipBooklets: Check Them Out

Here are the features of FlipBooklets.

Want To Know The Pricing Of FlipBooklets?

Learning about those features, it is obvious that FlipBooklets is quite stunning. But how much does it cost? Read on.

You can either choose between Annually or Monthly. For the Annually option, you can save 20 percent. You can get FlipBooklets for free, or have the Startup at $12 per month, the Startup Plus at $16 per month, or the Business at $28 per month. They are billed annually.

For the Monthly option, you can get FlipBooklets for free, or have the Startup at $15 per month, the Startup Plus at $20 per month, or the Business at $35 per month. They are billed monthly.

Now That You've Known Enough About Flipbooks And A Tool To Create Them, We Answer Some Quora Questions

We've consulted the question-and-answer platform Quora to find the most popular questions about flipbooks, and we answer them.

How Can I Make A Flipbook?

Flip books refer to interactive, online publications with the look and feel of a real, page-turning publication. One of the ways to make or create a flipbook is by using a flipbook creator software. Some of the best software of this kind include Paperturn, Flippingbook, Flipsnack, Issuu, and FlipHTML5.

How Do I Convert And Save An Online Flipbook To A PDF?

Commonly, the guides available online are on how to convert PDFs into flipbooks. There are fewer resources for doing the opposite. But, it is possible. To convert and save an online flipbook to a PDF, you can view your flipbook using Publuu. You can download the original PDF file directly from this flipbook viewer by clicking the download button located in the top menu. Once you press the button, the PDF version will automatically be saved on your hard drive.

The Verdict: Should You Give FlipBooklets A Chance?

When it comes to your digital reading materials, there are various formats or two that they may be in. These include YouTube videos, animations, paper materials turned into digital copies, and many other pegs. Among these PDFs.

While PDFs are great and convenient formats, there are certain drawbacks to them, especially when sharing them with others, such as via email. PDFs often get caught in the spam folder, and your recipients may not be able to see them right away. This draws out something you would not want.

One way to share PDFs with your friends, relatives, or colleagues without having them get caught in the spam folder is to convert them into flipbooks. Flipbooks are formats for your digital files that do not only function for this purpose but are also beautiful. They appear like turning pages of a book, but digitally.

To easily convert PDFs into flipbooks, you can use software like FlipBooklets. It has stunning features, such as working on various devices, letting you download your PDFs, and protecting your files, among many others. Plus, it is also very affordable.

It's just apt that you give FlipBooklets a try. Improve the way you experience your reading materials with FlipBookets. You will certainly love using this software. Even your kids will like it. Build your PDFs into beautiful flipbooks today using FlipBooklets, flip book kit.

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