ContentPresso: A Canva Templates for sale, Shop Where You Can Buy And Sell Canva Templates To The Creative Market

Did you know you can buy and sell Canva templates to earn passive income and make money selling Canva templates? Learn how to canva templates for sale.

Canva Templates for Sale - When you ask digital nomads about where it is easy to create stunning graphic designs, they will always recommend Canva. Canva is a whole lot easier to use than complex software like Photoshop. Canva has been utilized by several businesses when building their brand image.

However, creating a Canva template or graphics from scratch takes up time. And, you are even unsure whether the graphics you create will give value to your audience, and stand out in the competition. You can instead use up that time in other more important matters of your business. Or, you can hire a graphic designer. But this would be very expensive.

What if we tell you that there is a way to obtain professionally-designed and ready-made Canva graphics and templates that can not only boost your brand but also have you earn a steady stream of income when you resell them?

Introducing ContentPresso.

In this article, you will learn how to sell Canva templates to other areas like Etsy or Creative Market or how to make extra income from selling a huge library of templates to third-party marketplaces like Etsy, how to create Canva templates to sell, and a platform where you can find Canva's template library, so you do not have to do things from scratch. Remember, you're selling Canva templates here, more than actually spending countless hours creating them.

ContentPresso, A Canva Templates for Sale, Shop Where You Can Get Ready-Made Canva Templates And Resell Them To Earn Profits

So what it ContentPresso all about? ContentPresso is a tool that can boost your authority and personal brand. Here, you can find hundreds of Canva templates ready-made just for you. And if you need to edit to customize them, this is made possible with ContentPresso's one-click customization. That means you can change colors, elements, logos, and everything you need changed in just one click.

Not only those, ContentPresso is also giving away codes if you want a reselling license when you want to sell the Canva templates you've acquired from this platform.

About The ContentPresso Brand

ContentPresso comes from the superb minds of DigiNowa, a popular SaaS startup dedicated to providing innovative software and marketing solutions to meet the demands of the modern digital landscape.

It comprises of a team of experienced and dedicated professionals with a passion for technology and creativity, striving to create user-friendly, efficient, and effective products. It has been their goal to empower both businesses and individuals to bring their online presence to new heights.

ContentPresso is the latest addition to DigiNowa's portfolio of products. Their team believes this platform will help users create and share high-quality content with so much ease.

Now that you've learned about the digital shop where you can get ready-made Canva templates, let's take a look at the opportunity of earning profits by selling these Canva templates.

Is It Possible To Sell Canva Templates?

Love using Canva and feel that you can turn this into an income? Yes, it is all very possible. Canva templates are a fantastic way to use your design experience and turn this into a money-making side hustle and earn you the passive income you have always wanted.

But things can be bleak here. How can you actually go from creating these designs to selling Canva templates? Everything you need to know about how you can start selling Canva templates and earn income is here.

Because you completely own the templates you create on Canva or when you obtain ready-made Canva templates from platforms like ContentPresso, you have the freedom to sell or resell them as you would like.

However, you cannot sell Canva templates you find on their website. The design you create or customize must be completely yours and totally new. As long as this is the case, you can be able to sell your designs.

What Kinds Of Canva Templates Can You Make And Sell?

So what types of Canva templates can you make and sell? Here are just some of the highest selling Canva templates.

Landing on something completely unique is key to becoming successful when it comes to selling your templates. So this can mean finding a type of template that is not yet already overly saturated, or finding a way to make these Canva template ideas stand out. When you need new and stunning Canva templates, head over to ContentPresso.

How You Can Create Canva Templates

If you are not getting your Canva templates from ContentPresso, you may be creating your templates from Canva itself. We're also here for the guide on this.

The first step is to create your account on Canva if you do not have one yet. The basic account is free, so it is a great way to start without shelling out money.

Originally, a Canva Pro account is required for you to be able to share a template link. But this has changed recently. Now, you can also share a template link from a free Canva account, not just from a Canva Pro account. If you are not yet ready to make the investment yet, the free Canva account is a good way to get started.

Next, decide what type of product you want to sell. Then, think about the kind of experience you have and how this can be of help to others. For instance, if you own a blog about marketing, you may create templates of various marketing materials that showcase your skills.

Are you a coach that helps other people succeed? If so, you can create something helpful for your students, like a workbook or checklist.

Whichever you find yourself under, find something that suits you and your skills perfectly. At the end of the day, you want to offer something that can make your templates stand out and be noticed. This shall give you the direction for creating Canva templates.

Or, you really do not have to spend so much time creating them from scratch. There are ready-made templates for reselling at ContentPresso.

Creating Your Designs

This time, you are more than ready to kick things off with your Canva templates. On Canva, you may use the search bar to find the kind of product you want to create, since they already have the exact size you need to most design variants.

Or, you can create a custom size if you need to.

Then, begin with a blank design.

You must completely create your own design, and Canva's pre-made templates should just be your inspiration. But if you cannot come up with your own designs, creating your own templates to sell may not be the ideal option for you. But do not worry, there are more options around.

Canva offers pre-made templates. You may also use the free elements available on Canva, such as the fonts, graphics, and images. More are available when you have the Pro version.

Or, you can instead choose from the hundreds of ready-made Canva templates at ContentPresso. When you need to change things up a little bit, no worries. It offers a one-click customization option. Yes, just one click.

How You Can Share Your Templates

Once your design is all set, you must learn how you can share the link that your buyers can access. No, it is not the same as sharing the link to edit the design, since this will give them the ability to change your original design. Instead, you need them to preview and see if your design matches what they are looking for.

You must use a specific template link that the Canva platform will provide. To find this, you must choose the Share from the top-right corner. Then, at the bottom of the window that appears, choose More.

Here, you will see icons pop up and the top, you will see Template Link. If you are selling your own Canva designs, this is the link you will use to share your template with your buyers.

To sell template to your buyers, you need to create a deliverable. A simple PDF with your branding that has the link to your template will do. It may also include instructions on how they can use your template, and answers to the questions your buyers may have.

This is what you'll upload for your Canva template business to send to your buyer once they purchase. Simply input the link to your template somewhere on the PDF.

However, to save your time, instead of doing the steps above on Canva, you can have the option to purchase ready-made Canva templates from ContentPresso. To do so, simply tap the "Access Now" button as you scroll down the ContentPresso website, and you will be redirected to its AppSumo page where you can actually buy ContentPresso Canva templates.

How You Can Make Money Selling Canva Templates

To make money selling Canva templates is not a two-step process. Yes, you may have the pre-made templates from platforms like ContentPresso, but there are still various things to consider. The first step would be to conduct some market research on the kind of product you wish to sell.

This helps make sure your idea for a product is actually high in demand and will bring in interest. This is a crucial step to take for any product you want to sell, not just Canva templates.

To do this, you can simply look for your product on Google and see the results, or conduct a search on Etsy.

After hitting search, this is where you can dive deep into individual listings and see the current availabilities on the market, how the item is created, how it is optimized, and the reviews written about it.

After studying the outcomes, think of what you can provide that will have more value. This is how you can find out if your product will sell. Or, you may even find something similar that you'd want to do instead. This may spark some new ideas for you, so this is a helpful step in the process of mkaing money selling digital products like Canva templates from ContentPresso.

Another good way to ensure more success when selling Canva templates is to find out who your ideal customer is. Answer the question, who are your templates created for? Having an idea of this shall help you know how you can attract customers, and create a more professional and profitable business.

This may arise as you start selling your products and getting to know your customers, but researching beforehand will greatly help.

Finally, create quality branding. This can make a huge difference on whether it will attract your ideal customer or not, so it is vital to formulate and create a brand around this. Take time on this final step, and keep your branding consistent throughout your website, social media platforms, and all.

How Much Money Can You Make Selling Canva Templates?

This question is very important, and we get you may have this question in your mind even earlier on from reading this section. To answer you, this actually varies, as it will depend on the cost of your Canva templates, if they are high in demand, how you are marketing them, and more.

If this is a side-gig that you do not pay so much attention to, it may not be a steady stream of income for you. But, if you invest your time and commit into this business, you can potentially turn this into a full-time income.

The monthly earnings can be lower, higher, and really depend on the product, the time you spend on it, and the product cost.

Where Can You Sell Canva Templates?

Once you have your Canva templates created or once you have bought them from platforms like ContentPresso, it is time to know where you can sell them. There are various options out there to choose from, but here are some of the platforms highly recommended. - Canva Templates for sale


Etsy has a very sizable marketplace for digital products, which includes Canva templates. It is among the perfect places to sell templates and earn passive income.

Right now, there is a wide range of templates already on Etsy, so take this as an opportunity to research further to find out what products are being sold, and how you can make yours stand out. Many use other platforms aside from Canva for their templates, so selling Canva templates can help your product stand out.

Creative Market

Other than Etsy, there's Creative Market. It is an online marketplace centered on digital products only. Digital content creators can come here and launch their shops on their platform, then sell their products, which includes templates.

However, the difference between Creative Market and Etsy is that Creative Market is strictly for digital products, while Etsy also has a collection of physical products. There are no eBooks or other kinds of information products on the platform. It is simply templates, photographs, mockups, and more.

Your Blog

Want to know another viable way where you can sell Canva templates? Your blog. If you do not have a blog or website yet, you will first need to buy a domain and hosting plan. There are several providers of this around.

Once you have a blog and website up and running, you need to find a theme that will support it, such as WooCommerce, an eCommerce plugin for WordPress users. But there are other great options around.

Once done with those steps, then you can work on setting up your theme. Install the plugin on your site and simply active it. You can then start collecting buyer information, processing payments, and more.

But remember, the cost of selling on your blog will include the costs of your domain, your theme, and your hosting. So consider these when choosing where to sell Canva templates.


You may be familiar with this. Fiverr is a different option altogether, as this is a marketplace for freelancers who offer their services. However, this can also be a viable platform for selling templates, so it is another great spot where you can potentially sell your templates.

Fiverr is a global digital marketplace to buy or sell services that offer people to get what they want just for $5, hence the name. But the community here can increase the amount of their product in $5 increments too. This is why Fiverr is such a huge hit.

Steps On Selling Canva Templates On Etsy

Say you now have your Canva templates and you've decided to start selling on Etsy. What happens next? There are some steps to remember before listing your products for sale here.

Step 1: Set Up Your Shop On Etsy

It is very easy to set up your shop on Etsy. First, you need to sign up for an Etsy account. You provide your personal details, bank account information so you can receive payments, and then, you can start adding your products.

You can upload your logo as your profile image, add your shop's banner that can feature your products, and add details to the About section so your buyers can get to know what you offer. Then, optimize your listings with SEO.

Once your Etsy shop is all set, you can start creating your listings and list your products for sale, including your Canva templates.

Step 2: Create Product Images

Keep in mind that when a potential buyer is searching for a Canva template, the first thing they will see is the cover image. This is what will appear on the shop page when they search the type of template you are offering.

In the cover image, include the most important details, including the fact that what you are offering is a Canva template, and how it can be of good use . This gives your potential customers the chance to know immediately if this is something they want to buy or not.

Moreover, aside from the cover image, the rest of your images should really showcase your templates in the best possible light. You want to inform your customers exactly what they will be getting once they purchase your product.

Step 3: List Your Products

Once you have the listing images, you are more than ready to list a Canva template for sale. We're going to be more specific here. To do this, first, you must proceed to your Etsy seller's account and tap "Listings."

From here, you will create a new listing, add your product images, insert your title, add your description, and add your tags. Then, you can upload your template link in a PDF document you will present to your customers.

Steps On How To Sell Canva Templates On Fiverr

As learned a while ago, Fiverr is a marketplace for freelancers to offer their services to clients worldwide. A Fiverr gig refers to a task that a freelancer provides, and this can be anything from logo design, writing, virtual assistants, and more. A Fiverr gig may also be about Canva template designs. Surprised?

To begin earning profits on your Canva templates on Fiverr and make passive income, you need to create a gig. To do this, you first need to create an account with Fiverr as a seller. Then to create a gig, click on Sales and then, Create a New Gig.

Step 1: Create A Gig

Creating a gig is not just about voila, there you have it. There are some things to remember about this step. The first is the Gig title. It has to be concise yet attractive. It is your first chance to tell the buyer, along with your image, exactly what you are selling, which in your case would be Canva templates. Show your best foot forward.

You may want to specify your gig's niche, rather than simply saying "I will design your template." You can instead say, "I will design your Instagram templates for influencers," or use powerful languages that can help sell your templates. Furthermore, remember to optimize things as well.

Another key aspect here is your Gig description. Keep it detailed yet helpful, but not too lengthy. Keep it direct to the point. Make sure to utilize SEO keywords here too.

Fiverr gives you the chance to include a video to your Fiverr gig. This helps increase engagement and build trust for your Canva templates. Include in your video an introduction, how your gig will benefit them, your experience, and top it all out with a strong call-to-action for them to buy your templates.

Plus, you may also include photos relevant to your gig, showing customer what else you can do. Be sure to use images that are optimized.

And don't forget the tags. This will also help you attract more customers to your templates.

Step 2: Optimize Your Fiverr Profile

To successfully sell your gig on Fiverr, in this case, your Canva templates, be sure your Fiverr profile is optimized. It must include everything your buyer should know about you and what makes you stand out from the rest.

Write an enticing bio, show your personality, and upload a picture so buyers can put a face to your name. In this way, they can connect with you more.

Ensuring you have a quality profile is a great way to guarantee more success when selling your templates.

Now That You've Learned How To Buy Ready-Made Canva Templates And Make A Profit From Them, Let's Answer Some Related Questions

We've consulted Quora and other resources online to find the most popular questions asked about our topic, and answered them.

Are Canva Templates Free?

Yes, Canva templates are free. Canva is still and always free for everybody, whether you are an individual or a team. However, if you wish to unlock more features, you can upgrade to and invest in Canva Pro to easily create professional designs and content.

Is It Worth Selling Canva Templates?

Yes, it is worth selling Canva templates. It has been said that Canva templates are among the hottest digital products right now. Some of the benefits of selling Canva templates is that they work in any industry, there are countless and limitless options, and every business owner needs these templates.

Can You Buy Canva Templates?

Yes, you can buy Canva templates. There are several platforms that sell ready-made Canva templates, such as ContentPresso. At ContentPresso, you can gain access to hundreds of different Canva templates. Plus, you can customize them in one click, and even resell them for profits.

Can I Use Canva Templates For Commercial Use?

Yes, Canva templates can be used for commercial purposes. All free photos, music, and video files on Canva can be used for free for commercial and non-commercial use. However, if a photo, music, or video file contains an identifiable person, logo, place, or trademark, make sure you check the image source or connect with the Canva team if you are uncertain.

How Much Can You Make From Canva Templates?

Some people have claimed they are making at least $2,000 a month from selling Canva templates. But how much you make depends on your efforts, of course.

Buy Canva Templates From ContentPresso, Boost Your Brand, Or Resell Them To Earn Income: Final Thoughts

Nowadays, Canva is not just a place to create art, but has also become a haven of opportunities. You may not only go about creating beautiful graphics on Canva, but you can also go about selling Canva templates. There are several types of templates you can create, so you will always find buyers searching for templates for whatever purposes they may serve.

Canva users will tell you that Canva products can provide a lot of benefits for businesses. You may recall your first Canva template using the platform which you spent hours creating. But as you move along, Canva becomes super easy to use and you are able to create something beautiful or creating any design that can produce profits.

Yes, you read that right. If you're serious about making money money the profitable way, you should think beyond just showcasing your art on the platform, but about how to promote your templates. Canva template sellers have been doing this for quite a long time, and seriously, they are earning profits.

If you are thinking about how to sell that Canva template bundle and online graphic design, and the way to make extra income or way to create a stream of income from selling Canva templates, many people selling Canva templates would tell you there is a growing number of people who buy Canva templates from marketplaces like Etsy or Creative Market, so selling their templates is the way they go.

Whether you sell, setting up shop, or simply creating graphics, you know that Canva is easy to use, compared with other software like Photoshop. Canva already is free to use. However, even those using the free version or the license to use, or the paid version would tell you that creating graphics on Canva usually takes time, especially if you are thinking about selling a bulk number of templates.

Not with ContentPresso. ContentPresso is where you can find literally hundreds of ready-made Canva templates that do various purposes, such as whether you want to boost your brand or earn profits reselling them.

To learn how to use Canva is just part of the whole scenario here. You need to think bigger, and take a look at the opportunity of being able to sell Canva templates for a profit - Canva Templates for sale. Start creating your templates on Canva today, or purchase ready-made Canva templates from Canva graphic design stores like ContentPresso, and make more passive income. Start selling digital products like Canva templates and earn huge profits right now.

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